
NotebookLM is the next big thing in AI right now. It’s supposed to be a note taking and research assistant. But the hidden gem in NotebookLM is the podcast feature. You upload some documents and we get a professional podcast content created from that content.

So I thought, can we create podcast content of educational content. What if podcasting is the format that kids will start liking.

So I took the content from CBSE 6th class math, Knowing your numbers chapter and fed it to NotebookLM.

Instantly I could see it’s value. First we get a professional podcast on the content as shown above. Additionally we also get study guide with answers

A timeline and a chatbot with which you can query and get answers and use as a study buddy.

So NotebookLM is certainly a big leap in Edtech. Lets see what else we can create with this.

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